[Mesorah] "Teven" at the end of a pasuk

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Fri Dec 24 07:36:27 PST 2021

As I have posted in the past, Shaar Hakollel explains that "Morid Hatol" 
has a komatz because that phrase is not an integral part of the bracha 
but an independent phrase that was dropped into it at a later date, so 
it retains its original pausal form.  Whereas "Morid hageshem" is part 
of the original bracha, and it's in the middle of a sentence, so it has 
a segol.

"Melech" and "Teven" *never* take a pausal form, not because of the 
"structure" but because they come from a different pre-Hebrew form than 
the words that do take pausal forms.  "Geshem" and "Melech" look similar 
*now*, but in pre-Hebrew they didn't.

Zev Sero            Wishing everyone health, wealth, and
zev at sero.name       happiness in 5782

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