[Mesorah] "Teven" at the end of a pasuk

galsaba at aol.com galsaba at aol.com
Fri Dec 24 08:36:12 PST 2021

The reason I posted on my previous email are the correct reasons of why the HaTol comes with a Komatz, and HaGeshem does not come with Komatz.Or in other words, why HaTol comes in Tzurath Hefsek, and HaGeshem comes with Tzurath Hemshech.
Yisrael Ben Davis listed ALL the Tzurath Hefsek and Hemshech of all the words in the bible, including explanations, analysis, etc.
Take for example the word "Tal" with Zakef Katon. It appears twice with a Komatz, and once with a Patach. If you read the three verses, you can see why in one of them it comes with a Patach.Take the word "Geshem" with a Zakef Katon and Gadol. It comes with a segol. 
The only reason is the Tavnith.  Rav Ya'akov Kaminetzki in his sefer Emeth LeYa'akov wrote a different reason.  But the Emeth is in the book of Yisrael Ben David.
I have a PDF copy of the book.  Tell me if you are not convinced after you complete reading it....


-----Original Message-----
From: Zev Sero via Mesorah <mesorah at lists.aishdas.org>
To: mesorah at lists.aishdas.org
Sent: Fri, Dec 24, 2021 10:36 am
Subject: Re: [Mesorah] "Teven" at the end of a pasuk

As I have posted in the past, Shaar Hakollel explains that "Morid Hatol" 
has a komatz because that phrase is not an integral part of the bracha 
but an independent phrase that was dropped into it at a later date, so 
it retains its original pausal form.  Whereas "Morid hageshem" is part 
of the original bracha, and it's in the middle of a sentence, so it has 
a segol.

"Melech" and "Teven" *never* take a pausal form, not because of the 
"structure" but because they come from a different pre-Hebrew form than 
the words that do take pausal forms.  "Geshem" and "Melech" look similar 
*now*, but in pre-Hebrew they didn't.

Zev Sero            Wishing everyone health, wealth, and
zev at sero.name      happiness in 5782
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