[Mesorah] three consecutive shvas

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Mon Aug 23 13:27:01 PDT 2021

On 23/8/21 1:20 pm, Mandel, Seth via Mesorah wrote:
> As I said, the printed version of the Targum in Europe was set up by 
> someone to whom Aramaic was like Greek, an unknown language. So you find 
> mistakes everywhere.  I grew up with the printed editions of chumashim, 
> same as most other people on this list, and I can testify that there is 
> almost no example of a pasuq with more than a couple of words without a 
> mistake in the printed Aramaic.

When I was in high school the teacher once conducted an exercise. 
Between everyone in the class we had at least six different chumashim, 
so he had us all look at the same place in the Targum and had one person 
read aloud, while everyone else would "correct" him when he deviated 
from what was printed in their chumash.   The "corrections" came thick 
and fast, and we understood that there were no two chumashim with the 
same exact text of the Targum!

Zev Sero            Wishing everyone a healthy summer
zev at sero.name

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