[Mesorah] Metigah Zakef

Aharon Gal galsaba at aol.com
Mon Jun 17 15:33:31 PDT 2019

This time I will not call it “Kadma Zakef Katon”. The reason is, I did some reading, and it is clear that the Ta’am is not a Kadma, because the only Ta’am that comes before Zkef Katon is a Munach.
(i will not go to the differences between Mekurbal and Iluy, that to my understanding are two types of munachim.)
As the only Mesharet is a Munach, then definitely this Ta’am is not a Kadma, although it looks like Kadma (also Pashta looks like Kadma).
I found other names for it such as Makel, Dorban, Mar’e Makom, and Peshat Katon.

I read that some call it "Metiga Zakef”. I like this term. Ii see no reason to call it metiga Zakef Katon, because Metiha will not come in a word with Zakef Gadol.

Do we need to emphasized it or not? I think it’s hard to tell. At least for me reading what the Rav”ve wrote in his book “Mishpetei HaTemaim”.
I learned that most Yemenites do emphasize it.
Also I learned that HaRav Mazuz, and therefore most of the Jews that their families come from Tunis do not emphasize it.

HaRav Mazuz brouht up intersting reason of why he thougt that this should not be emphasized.  There are couple of words that have a letter with a Kamatz Katan, and above the letter there is a Metiga.
According to HaRav Mazuz, if you use something like a Ga’ya or any siman that tells you to emphasize a letter that has a Kamatz, and after this a Sheva, then the Kamatz is not Kamatz Katan, but Kamatz Rachav. 
As these couple of words are with Kamatz Katan, then according to Rav Mazuz you cannot emphasize them, hence, you cannot emphasize any Metigah.
All the Ashkenazim that I hears so far do emphasize the Metigah.  

You may ask “why it is there, if we do not need to emphasize is?” Those that do emphasize it can say that the reason why it is there is to tell you NOT to emphasize it, same as the Siman Raffe tells you that the letter does NOT have a Dagesh.

Makes sense?


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