[Mesorah] Accents

Kenneth Miller via Mesorah mesorah at lists.aishdas.org
Tue Jun 30 08:51:49 PDT 2015

R' Gershon Dubin wrote: <<< I use the Simanim tikun and have never found (don't mean they ain't) a mistake. >>>

I was going to suggest Simanim also. I don't lein, but I use the Simanim siddur, and am just blown away by the level of care and detail.

HOWEVER - exactly what constitutes a "mistake" in this context? Sometimes (often?) there is a legitimate machlokes, and the only "mistake" is when we refer to one of the opinions as "wrong".

I see two approaches: (A) One can choose a tikun and always follow it. The advantage is that one will use a consistent shita throughout, and the disadvantage is never knowing whether one followed a typo or not. (B) From R' Simon's question, it is clear that he does his own research with the Minchas Shai and others. The advantage of this approach is that one understands the issues rather than being a blind follower, and thus less likely to stumble over a typo; the disadvantage is wondering which is the more authoritative shita.

In my dreams, the ideal tikun (or siddur, for that matter) would be annotated with the sources and reasoning behind every single decision that the editors made.

Akiva Miller

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