[Mesorah] Hallel

Richard rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Mon May 5 13:59:21 PDT 2014

Re: the Haftarah there is a story - perhaps Apocryphal - from the Breslauer Seminary.

One Shabbos Heinrich Graetz read the Haftarah with some "modern emendation".

Afterwards - according to the story - Zecharya Frankel re-read the Haftarah, IIRC with B'rachos

Sh'ma Minah
1. Graetz was willing to act on new scienitic findings
2. Frankel was not.
3. Frankel was generally more "Traditional' than was Graetz.


Unless the Haftarah is lained from a k'laf, I would generally not correct, with some limited exceptions.


At a hotel last Shavuos, a Rabbi lained the last passuk of the haftarah of 2nd Day as Hashem Elokim instead of Elokim Hashem. I yelled out a correction which got ignored.

On the first day he lained "voeshma achaRAY [as in ray of the Sun] instead or RYE [as in bread] I did not correct him.

Sh'ma mina -
1. He probably davens Uva L'tziyyon incorrectly, too
2. He has difficulties with the last passuk on Haftaros on Shavuos... :-)
Shalom and Best Regards,

"If we cannot end our differences at least we can make the world safe for diversity." ~ John F. Kennedy

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