[Mesorah] Hallel

Richard rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Mon May 5 11:37:31 PDT 2014

«The idea that machlokes and psak can affect the actual source text - even of the Chumash itself!»

And this seems most manifest with regard to Zecher / Zeicher.

Interesting to note, R Mordechai Breuer insists upon Zeicher as the correct read; which matches both the minhag Eidot Mizrach and of Western Ashk'naz. But I don't see a "mad rush" to comply with his p'sak in this matter, even though afaik "leis man d'palig" that the Keter had Zeicher.

Shalom and Best Regards,

"If we cannot end our differences at least we can make the world safe for diversity." ~ John F. Kennedy

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