[Mesorah] Hallel

Michael Hamm msh210 at gmail.com
Mon May 5 13:48:00 PDT 2014

R' Akiva Miller :
<< Someone might want to look for similar cases which occur in Navi,
where such a tikkun affects the meaning of a word, and hence whether
or not we're yotzay krias hahaftarah. >>

I wonder, though.  Haftara can be, as far as I know, one pasuk.  Of
course, the g'mara and SA say there's a minimum of 21 p'sukim unless
it ends at the end of an "inyan", but do we have guidelines for what
counts as an "inyan"?  Can we say "let's call it an inyan" at any
fairly reasonable location?

Based on the above, I wonder whether we really have to worry about
whether we're yotze if someone messes up a word. Personally, I never
correct a mistake in a haftara unless I'm quite sure the person will
understand my correction (or at least act on it).  But that's just
ignorant me; CYLOR (or be one).

M. Hamm

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