[Mesorah] Hallel

Kenneth Miller kennethgmiller at juno.com
Mon May 5 09:43:34 PDT 2014

from RRW:

> In discussing this with my Rav, R Kanarfogel he stated something
> like "Yes the text has changed, but the changes were made
> Halachically."
> So were tikkunim by Minchas Shai or Heidenheim valid changes as
> part of the Halachic process or not? And if not, what prevents
> us from further emending to match the Bavli instead of matching
> Ben Asher?

I presume that what Rav Kanarfogel meant was something along the lines of "It was not merely an editorial decision made by a printer, but an authoritative psak halacha made by a qualified posek." (for some value of "qualified posek")

By way of comparison, I don't know if variant texts in a siddur are subject to a psak halacha, if the variant texts don't affect actual halacha. Example: Migdol/Magdil at the end of benching.

So I think RRW might want to look for examples of "tikkunim by Minchas Shai or Heidenheim" which DO affect actual halacha. In the case at hand, so many people are careless about pronouncing a nun-dagesh, that I seriously doubt whether it affects being yotzay Hallel. Someone might want to look for similar cases which occur in Navi, where such a tikkun affects the meaning of a word, and hence whether or not we're yotzay krias hahaftarah. Or, look for such a tikkun which affects the *spelling* of a word, and that will affect whether or not the written klaf is kosher.

Akiva Miller
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