[Mesorah] Hallel

Richard rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Mon May 5 08:43:21 PDT 2014

As they differ, how can they be infallible?»

So hadra kushiya l'duchta -
When is it OK or reasonable to second guess the mss.?  

EG do the implications/inferences derived from Masoretic notes lead to credible ememdations?  Or do we say that these mss., being so superior, trump what we have from the Masoretes?

We also have a tangential issue.  We see that our Masoretic text does not always conform with the Bavli.  IOW it seems to have "moved on" or evolved.

If so can we say the same today? EG that following Minchas Shai, et al. That the normative text is no longer the original text.

EG no one today AFAIK emends the text to match Rashi's readings which deviate on several points.  

In discussing this with my Rav, R Kanarfogel he stated something like
"Yes the text has changed, but the changes were made Halachically."

So were tikkunim by Minchas Shai or Heidenheim valid changes as part of the Halachic process or not? And if not, what prevents us from further emending to match the Bavli instead of matching Ben Asher?
Shalom and Best Regards,

"If we cannot end our differences at least we can make the world safe for diversity." ~ John F. Kennedy

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