[Mesorah] R'tzon Konam vs. Koneihem

Richard rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Fri Jun 21 15:27:16 PDT 2013


See also Eizor Eliyahu P. 142 re: Birkas Halvanah that they davka picked 2 divergent versions - apparently from Siddur Derech See'ach Hassadeh from R Ezriel and R Eliyahu miVilna.

While Ashkenaz DOES often balance competing girsa'os, I doubt if the "Konam" found in the TB WRT Birkas L'vanah has anything to do with this.


Comment #2 Afaict the concern of Baer et al was not consistency but concern for the 2 r'shuyyos issue.

This issue has been addressed by poskim, but it also makes sense not to let "amcha" get caught up with this.  

Doesn't It seemsodd to reject a valid Torah Concern re: 2 R'shuyyos merely because it was expressed by reputed Baalei Dikduk!   After all Baer also makes many Halachic comments throughout his Siddur.

Caveat: I'm not suggesting that the other side is incorrect either.  It just bothers me to say Koneihem, etc.
“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” 
~  Leo Tolstoy 

Shalom, RRW

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