[Mesorah] Hofmeister Siddur and Manuscripts

Richard rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Fri Jun 21 10:35:39 PDT 2013

  He views these as grammatical changes, and so there is no need to follow the mss.»

That's not entirely accurate and imho and wadr a distortion of Baer P. 78. It is true that grammar helped him arrive at a decision

Here's what I posted:

«Konam: Kein Tikkein Vayetar Yitzchok also in* Siddurei S'pharadim*  also *Romaa and it is correct.

"Koneihem" CvS sounds like 2 r'shuyos** despite its occasional use EG in Midrash Rabbah

But our T'fillah should choose clarity...

==>and so it is in Birkas Halvanah both old and new editions, in Bavli Sanhedrin and in the Rambam, leaving us no doubt.


Baer does not assign grammar here at all

Rather he assigns

1 concern re: 2 r'shuyos, a Talmudic concern re: EG sh'ma and Modim

2. Alternate sources - EG Roma

3. The Bavli and the Rambam on Birkas L'vanah


Last shabbos I was learning the Or Zar'ua on birkas l'vanan and this issue came up prompting my original post.


FWIW Hofmeister has tushachos and tishbachos as an alternate

Same with Koneihem and Konam though I need to review his note re: which nusach that is.


I don't know what the Mss. Say here.  R Kanarfogel simply suggested we do NOT have a complete set yet in general so that the most prudent course was to withhold judgment for now.

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” 
~  Leo Tolstoy 

Shalom, RRW

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