[Mesorah] V'lokachas Vayeitzei 30:15

R. Rich Wolpoe rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Mon Mar 12 12:35:12 PDT 2012

« It *doesn't* say "you did A".  It says "your doing of A", in the passive voice.  Therefore "to do B" *is* the parallel. 
Zev Sero »

Zev is correct to a great extent - although Kachteich is not exactly passive

Let's take this a step further and virtually all translations are "inferior" by comparison.

Qachteich - Your TAKING
V"Loqachas - and TO TAKE

Which in turn  Means either "and [about] to take" 
"and [going] to take"

And so  neither form is really past nor future, rather the first form is a gerund [taking] the 2nd is an infinitve [to take]

Thus, the symmetry is now
 gerund <==> infinitve

Which I agree is quite a bit more parallel and trumps any translation I've seen so far

Shalom and Regards, RRW

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