[Mesorah] V'lokachas Vayeitzei 30:15

Poppers, Michael MPoppers at kayescholer.com
Mon Mar 12 04:54:51 PDT 2012

Dr. Rosenberg wrote:
> Rashi refers to the "targum", meaning usually Onkelos, quoting him with the translation "lemeisav" (corresponding to the explanation A). Obviously Rashi had this girsa in the targum Onkelos, too. <
Agreed that "usually" RaShY means TOnqelos, but "usually" is not the same as "always," and in this case our girsa of TO is "v'sisvun" while our girsa of TYonasan has "l'meisav," much closer to the quoted "ulmeisav," so why is it "obvious" that RaShY's TO girsa was "ulmeisav"?

Qs to the group: In general, has anyone examined both TO and TY every time RaShY speaks of the "targum" and documented when he apparently meant TY?  Also, are critical editions of targumim available on the Internet (or at least in libraries)?  Thanks. 

All the best from 
-- Michael Poppers via BB pager

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