[Mesorah] Mishtaleiach

Michael Poppers MPoppers at kayescholer.com
Wed Jan 27 18:49:19 PST 2010

Earlier, I replied to RDavidB:
>> I suspect that the place to look for R' Seligmann's comments
is in Ata Yatzarta in Shabbat rosh chodesh. <<
> Well, I was checking that area of the siddur this morning.  B'li neder,
I'll check more carefully as soon as I can.  Thanks! <
Indeed, he notes there that "ba'al 'Vaye'tar Yitzchaq'
hidfis...'hash'luchah' v'halach acharav R'Wolf Heidenheim b'siduro, ul'fi
ha'emes hora'as 'hash'luchah' einenah k'hora'as 'shenishtalchah' ki zeh l'
avar hu u'sh'luchah' hu beinoni (uk'mo shehei'ir k'var haRav SHaDaL
b'seifer 'B'sulas Bas Y'hudah' daf 15; gam b'mavo hamachzor asher lo), v'im
kein ein lanu la'azov nuschah haqadmonis" and goes on to note not only the
Talmudic lashon of "sa'ir hamishtaleiach" but also "v'nisrachaqnu" (Musaf
of Yuntef), "shenisbar'chu" (Bircas haMazon), and "[mah] nishtanah"
(Hagadah), all three of which R'Heidenheim brought w/out change.

Need I note, aside from REMT's point, that the phrase is "haYad <sent
against> b'Miqdashecha," a type of language (I'm thinking specifically of
"<ShLCh-root verb> _b'_<something>") not repeated in all the instances
which R'Heidenheim (leaving aside RYSatanov) did not change.  That
"shenishtalchah" was the unanimously-used word until R'Satanov changed it
seems like all one needs to say when one claims to base one's nusach on
kisvei yashan (which R'Baer claimed but didn't always do, a subject for a
different time).

I also wrote before:
> B'li neder, I'll check any old prints I may have. <
I have a Heidenheim/Roedelheim machzor for Chag haShavuos, published in
1891 by Lehrberger -- in it, the word was "shenishtalchah"; I also have a
Roedelheim machzor for Chag haSukkos from 1832 -- in it, the word was
"hash'luchah."  An 18th-cent. CE (if I correctly figured out its
publication date, 5503) print from Amsterdam (i.e. _not_ Roedelheim) had
"shenishtalchah." From that evidence, don't blame Goldschmidt (much less
Basel) -- looks like "shenishtalchah" was reinserted into a Roedelheim
print before he began publishing it.

All the best from
--Michael Poppers via RIM pager
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