[Mesorah] Tenollanu?

Yitzchak M. Gottlieb zuki at CS.Princeton.EDU
Mon Jul 13 05:18:32 PDT 2009

On Jul 12, 2009, at 7:08 AM, David E Cohen wrote:

> Yesterday in shul, the baal korei, who was reading with modern  
> Israeli pronunciation, read (27:4) "tenoh lanu achuzah betokh achei  
> avinu."  While my fellow gabbai and I did not correct him, many  
> people thought that what they heard sounded more like "tenu lanu  
> achuzah" rather than "tenah lanu achuzah," and the rav asked him to  
> begin the next aliyah from the beginning of the perek, so as to  
> "correct the mistake."  The baal korei then explained that he had  
> not accidentally read "tenu," but rather had intentionally read  
> "tenoh," since the dagesh in the lamed closes the previous syllable,  
> so the kamatz must be a kamatz katan (as if it were one word,  
> "tenollanu").
> The baal korei in question is the brother (yblct"a) of R' Mordechai  
> Breuer z"l, and is quite knowledgeable in these matters himself.   
> The rav of the kehilah, also a seasoned baal korei, said that he  
> couldn't think of any reason why the baal korei was not correct, but  
> that he had never heard it read that way before.

As a comment, the reasoning given seems to me to be insufficient.  
According to that reasoning any time a דגש חזק (dagesh hazak)  
would appear due to a דחיק (d'hik) or אתי מרחיק (ati  
merehik) that would imply that the previous קמץ (kamatz) is חטוף  
(hatoof).  The best example would be ארצה כנען, which I've  
never understood was to be pronounced with a קמץ חטוף (kamatz  


Yitzchak M. Gottlieb
zuki at CS.Princeton.EDU

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