[Avodah] Birchat Cohanim

Joel Rich joelirarich at gmail.com
Sun Oct 20 12:40:18 PDT 2024

Interesting new book: The Priceless Treasure of Bircas Kohanim by Naftali
Weinberger. (Full disclosure – R’ Weinberger’s father is a friend). On page
153 he recounts the efforts of the GRA and R Chaim Volozhin to reinstitute
daily duchening in ashkenaz and the seeming divine intervention (jail and
fire in the bet medrash) that were taken as a sign to stop them. I was
pleased to see that something I have been saying for years was quoted in
the name of Rabbi Y Salanter, who couldn’t understand why the efforts
would’ve been stopped if they were convinced that this is what the tora
required. His explanation was that it was the maskilim who opposed the GRA
and he was afraid they would burn the bet medrash again. However, there is
a report from the Steipler Gaon that they actually reinstitute duchening
after the rebuilding. See there for more detail. I wonder why this
objection of and the report of the Steipler is not more well-known. (I have
guesses, would like to hear yours)
moadim lsimcha bsorot tovot
Joel Rich
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