[Avodah] How to commemorate something

Akiva Miller akivagmiller at gmail.com
Sun Oct 13 11:22:37 PDT 2024

I would like to posit two areas of halacha where, logically, we ought to
commemorate a certain thing in a certain way, but we actually commemorate
it in a very different - perhaps even diametrically opposite - way.

The first is Lechem Mishne. By rights, someone who eats bread on *Erev*
Shabbos ought to take two full loaves, in commemoration of the double
portion of mann that fell on *Erev* Shabbos in the midbar.

But that's not how Chazal set it up. They told us to take the double loaves
on Shabbos itself. I'm at a loss to describe their reasoning; perhaps there
is a greater Pirsumei Nisa on Shabbos, or maybe it was just for
convenience, in the sense that we are required to eat bread on Shabbos and
it would be an imposition to make such a requirement for Friday. Or maybe
someone can come up with another explanation. (To me, the strangeness is
compounded by the requirement for Lechem Misheh even at the Shabbos Lunch
meal, whereas in the Midbar, only one loaf of the double mann would be left
at that point.)

My other example concerns the ner we use for Havdala. On Mozaei Yom Kippur
we use a ner because (in contrast to other yom tovim, when use of a ner is
basically okay) we are now allowed to use neros again. Logically, it seems
to me, that on Motzaei Yom Kippur one should be allowed to use any sort of
ner, and the requirement for a "ner sheshavas" puzzles me. In contrast, we
use a ner on Motzaei Shabbos for *two* reasons: not only are we allowed to
use neros again, and in addition, it is a commemoration of the creation of
light on the first day of Bereishis. Logically, it seems to me, that on
Motzaei Shabbos, we should be required to ignite a brand new ner to remind
us of the Creation of the original light.

But that's not how Chazal set it up. Instead of requiring a brand new ner
on Motzaei Shabbos, the distinction lies in being *forbidden* (is that too
strong a word?) to use a brand new ner on Motzaei Yom Kippur.  On Motzaei
Yom Kippur we are required to use a ner that has been burning since Erev
Yom Kippur (even though Motzaei Yom Kippur has nothing to do with
Creation), and on Motzei Shabbos we can use any kind of ner that we want
(even though Motzaei Shabbos has *everything* to do with Creation).

I hope someone can offer a better explanation for this, but I can't come up
with anything other than convenience: Instead of requiring a new ner every
single Motzaei Shabbos, Chazal made their point by requiring an old ner
once a year, on Motzaei Yom Kippur.

I vaguely recall that once upon a time, I had other examples of this
phenomenon, but these two are the only ones I remember. If anyone else can
think of other examples, or can offer any explanations, please do so.

Akiva Miller
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