[Avodah] Rabbanei Tzarfas (Was: Re: Does the psak of bet din evidence the ratzon hashem?)

Zvi Lampel zvilampel at gmail.com
Sun Nov 19 22:10:25 PST 2023

>> ...The French Rabbanim z"l...
>> RMBerger:
> Interruption: This is a school of Baalei Tosafos, no?
>  ZL: Tosafos Shantz, too, on Eiduyos 1:5 (early 13th century) cites the
> idea in the name of the French Rabbanim, and Tosafos Rabbeynu Peretz of
> Corbiel (late 13th century) cites it in the name of his rebbi, Rav Yechiel
> of Paris, but expresses dissatisfaction with it.
>  Also, the Rashba on Berachos 5b mentions the Rabbanei Tzarfas as being
contemporaneous with Rashbam.

Zvi Lampel

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