[Avodah] Keeping Kosher at an A‌i‌r‌b‌n‌b‌

Prof. L. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Fri Aug 19 09:31:46 PDT 2022

>From https://cor.ca/2019/07/keeping-kosher-at-an-airbnb/

Summer is a time when the fortunate among us are able to get away for a vacation. Some of us stay with friends, others in hotels, and still others rent cabins or homes found on sites such as Airbnb. But what are the kosher concerns when renting a space that has previously been used for non kosher food? Below are some of areas that one should be concerned about and the following are some of the more practical solutions for travellers.

Please see the above URL for kosher guidelines regarding

Tables and Countertops

Microwave Ovens


Stove Tops


Spring Water Machines

Urns & Kettles

Coffee, Coffee Makers & Keurig

Professor Yitzchok Levine

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