[Avodah] Q. Is one permitted to fold a talis on Shabbos?

Prof. L. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Wed Aug 17 10:16:12 PDT 2022

>From today's OU Kosher Halacha Yomis

Q. Is one permitted to fold a talis on Shabbos?

A. There are two issues that must be considered: Is it permissible to fold clothing on Shabbos, and if the talis is folded so it will be ready for next week, is this hachona?

With respect to the first concern, Shulchan Aruch (OC 302:3) writes that one may only fold clothing on Shabbos if five conditions are met.

  1.  It was folded to be used again on Shabbos.
  2.  The garment is white.
  3.  The garment is new and was never washed.
  4.  One has no other garment to wear.
  5.  Only one person may fold the clothing. No one can assist.

If any of the five conditions are missing it is forbidden. However, Shulchan Aruch concludes that it is permitted to fold clothing if not folded on the creases. Mishnah Berurah (302:19) writes that this is the accepted practice.

Therefore, with respect to folding a talis which has crease marks, it may be folded if not on the creases. However, Sefer Daas Torah writes that you should not leave the talis folded incorrectly all week, because the new folds will become permanent. Rather, the talis should be refolded after Shabbos, to preserve the original crease marks. Shemiras Shabbos K’Hilchaso (15: note 162 [in the newer editions]) writes that so long as the original crease marks will remain more pronounced than the new creases, it is permissible to temporarily fold the talis on Shabbos (off the creases). (The question of hachona will be discussed in the next halacha.)


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