[Avodah] Parashas Eikev: All About Tachanun
Prof. L. Levine
llevine at stevens.edu
Fri Aug 19 11:03:29 PDT 2022
Visitors to Yeshivas Ohr Somayach’s famous ‘Mechina’ 3:45 P.M. daily Mincha (you are also welcome to join) are wont to comment on the fact that everyone recites Tachanun with Nefillas Apayim, the placing down of the head on an arm, even though the Beis Midrash where this Tefillah is held, the Lauffer Beis Midrash, does not have a SeferTorah or even an AronKodesh.
The reason they find this behavior odd is because the Rema, the authoritative codifier of Ashkenazic practical halacha, rules that if there is no SeferTorah in a shul, Tachanun should still be said, but without Nefillas Apayim.[1]<https://ohr.edu/10045#_edn1> This distinction is traced back to the Neviim that “falling down” in prayer is reserved for when an Aron is present.[2]<https://ohr.edu/10045#_edn2> Although several authorities did not concur with this distinction,[3]<https://ohr.edu/10045#_edn3> this nonetheless remains common practice. If so, the visitors ask, why would Ohr Somayach not follow such a widespread custom?
Please see the above URL for much more about Tachanun.
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