[Avodah] Repeating during davening

Akiva Miller akivagmiller at gmail.com
Mon Dec 6 05:12:54 PST 2021

R' Allan Engel wrote:
> As to the Hallel issue, had the Gemara not mandated the repetitions, they
> would surely be a problem for the reasons you state ...

In this context, I think "sanctioned" would be a better word than
"mandated". From what I can tell, the Mishna on Sukkah 38a (and Gemara on
Pesachim 119a-b) did not mandate the original idea of repeating pesukim of

It does make an observation about existing minhagim, and it does mandate
that the places which have the minhag of repeating should repeat, and the
places that have the minhag of saying it straight should say it straight.
Which leaves me wondering by whose authority the minhag started, of saying
it differently than how David Hamelech wrote it.

Akiva Miller
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