[Avodah] Can One Take In Shavuot Early?

Prof. L. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Mon May 10 10:49:29 PDT 2021


Can One Take In Shavuot Early? | The Jewish Press - JewishPress.com | Rabbi Yaakov Hoffman | 4 Sivan 5780 – May 27, 2020 | JewishPress.com<https://www.jewishpress.com/judaism/halacha-hashkafa/can-one-take-in-shavuot-early/2020/05/27/#:~:text=In%20fact%2C%20one%20could%20argue%20that%20one%20should,and%20allow%20for%20less%20time%20for%20continuous%20learning.>
The practice to wait until tzeit ha'kochavim has no basis in Chazal or Rishonim.

In the summer, people commonly avoid eating a very late Friday evening meal by accepting Shabbat early and beginning the repast well before dark. But on Shavuot – which falls near the height of the summer – many refuse to avail themselves of this option and insist on davening Maariv and making Kiddush after nightfall.

Eating so late, however, is difficult for many people – and becomes even more difficult the farther north one resides. It is astonishing, then, that this practice is so entrenched, especially since it has no basis in Chazal or the Rishonim. According to strict Talmudic law, it seems one may daven Maariv and make Kiddush after plag ha’mincha on Erev Shavuot just as one may do so on Erev Shabbat (Berachot 27b; cf. Tosafot, Pesachim 99b s.v. “ad”).

See the above URL for more.

Also see the selections at http://personal.stevens.edu/~llevine/maariv_on_shavuous.pdf that are taken from the sefer Sheirushei Minhag Ashkenaz, volume 4, by Rabbi Benyamin Shlomo Hamburger.

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