[Avodah] Jewish law has evolved

Joseph Kaplan jkaplan at tenzerlunin.com
Tue Mar 23 19:35:46 PDT 2021

"I can't know the grasp that anyone has but to say "The correctness of the statement that, "Jewish law has evolved and continues to do so," is incorrect," requires a bit of logic (e.g. evolved means evolved in a way not reflective of prior precedent and changes in facts on the ground) that might not be obvious to the average reader. Thoughts?”

My thought is that Jewish law is too complex to sum up in a letter to the editor even if everyone reading it is Orthodox. And, of course, Jews who are not Orthodox have a different view of Jewish law. Thus, to say in a letter to the editor that  "Jewish law has evolved and continues to do so” is correct or incorrect is an exercise of futility. 


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