[Avodah] early maariv
Aryeh Frimer
Aryeh.Frimer at biu.ac.il
Tue Mar 16 00:20:30 PDT 2021
Several individuals have asked me to elucidate my question appearing in
Avodah Digest, Vol 39, Issue 23 regarding early minha Maariv on Shabbat
going into Yom Tov
If you look at the Nosei Kelim in SA OH 293:3 (e.g., Mishna Berura
no. 9), it is clear that Davening Minha/Maariv [before and After Plag -
with va-Todi'einu in Ma'ariv] early on Shabbat afternoon going into Yom
Tov (like this year), is considered a davar Tamu'ah and halakhically
dangerous since people may start with preparations for yom tov (Seder)
and even melakha - and not wait for Tseit ha-Kokhavim. Hence it is
permitted only bi-she'at ha-dehak (See Mishna Berura). The question is
whether with the change of clock to DST, starting the Seder as soon as
possible after tseit so the young children and zekeinim will be able to
stay up for the seder is enough of a She'at ha-dehak to permit it.
Two poskim were consulted on 2 Nisan 5781 (March 15, 2021): Rav
Asher Zelig Weiss and Rav Avraham Shraga Stiglitz both Shlita -
and were meikel in such a case.
It must be reiterated that no preparations or Melaka can be done
until Shabbat is over (Tseit haKokhavim). Only then can Yom Tov candles
be lit and the seder begin.
Kol Tuv and Pesach Kasher, Bari ve-Sameach
Dr. Aryeh A. Frimer
Ethel and David Resnick Professor Emeritus
of Active Oxygen Chemistry
Chemistry Dept., Bar-Ilan University
Ramat Gan 5290002, ISRAEL
E-mail (office): Aryeh.Frimer at biu.ac.il.
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