[Avodah] R. Yhonason Eybeschutz on Secular Subjects

Harry Maryles hmaryles at mail.yahoo.com
Mon Apr 23 06:34:22 PDT 2018

Yes, the Torah commands us to learn Torah day and night, But as my Rebbe,
RAS said, this Mitzvah can be fulfilled by simply reciting Kriyas Shema
in the morning and the evening.

On Sunday, April 22, 2018, 11:29:56 PM CDT, Toby Katz wrote:  
> Yes, all the sciences are necessary for Torah. It is necessary that they
> exist in the world. It is not necessary that any given yeshiva student
> take away time from learning Torah in order to pursue other studies.

> I would add that we live in an amazing age where there are female
> physicists, physicians, astronomers, zoologists and botanists. How
> fortunate this is, since women do not have the same obligation to learn
> Torah day and night that men have! ...

> If Gemara is the main course while other studies ("tekufos vegimatrios")
> are just "parperaos lachochma," I say let the gentlemen eat meat and
> potatoes, while the ladies enjoy dessert.

Not that this is optimal, Those that have the ability, and desire should
spend as much time as they want/need to achieve the Torah knowledge we
all rely on to live our lives. We all need Gedolim that these kinds of
people become to naser the difficult Shaylos that constantly arise as
we progress through time.

For the rest of us, we should follow and develop our strengths and serve
God that way, while being Koveah Itim to fulfill the Mitzvah of Limud
HaTorah. This that misdirect those strengths - being urged to use their
strengths to learn Torah are in my view shortchanging them. They are
discouraging Jews from serving God and his people in the best way they
can. Where their strengths where they really lie.

More to say - no time.

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