[Avodah] R. Yhonason Eybeschutz on Secular Subjects

Toby Katz t613k at aol.com
Mon Apr 23 09:33:07 PDT 2018

 In a message dated 4/23/2018 9:34:26 AM Eastern Standard Time, hmaryles at yahoo.com writes: 
Yes, the Torah commands us to learn Torah day and night, But as my Rebbe, RAS said, this Mitzvah can be fulfilled by simply reciting Kriyas Shema in the morning and the evening.
Not that this is optimal....
For the rest of us, we should follow and develop our strengths and serve God that way, while being Koveah Itim to fulfill the Mitzvah of Limud HaTorah....
I agree with this.  I am aware of the opinion that "vahagisa bo yomam velayla" can be minimally fulfilled by saying Shma.  Despite this, it is not necessary for every individual to personally study math, geometry, algebra, physics, optics, astronomy, medicine, botany, zoology and chemistry.  
--Toby Katz
t613k at aol.com
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