[Avodah] R. Yhonason Eybeschutz on Secular Subjects

Toby Katz t613k at aol.com
Sun Apr 22 00:02:03 PDT 2018

Re: R. Yhonason Eybeschutz on Secular Subjects
On Tue, 10 Apr 2018 RYL quoted R’ Yonasan Eybeshutz:

--quote-- For all the sciences are condiments and are necessary for our Torah, such as the science of mathematics, which is the science of measurements and includes the science of numbers, geometry, and algebra and is very essential for the measurements required in connection with the Eglah Arufah and the cities of the Levites and the cities of refuge as well as the Sabbath boundaries of our cities. The science of weights [i.e., mechanics] is necessary for the judiciary, to scrutinize in detail whether scales are used honestly or fraudulently. The science of vision [optics] is necessary for the Sanhedrin to clarify the deceits perpetrated by idolatrous priests; furthermore, the need for this science is great in connection with examining witnesses, who claim they stood at a distance and saw the scene, to determine whether the arc of vision extends so far straight or bent. The science of astronomy is a science of the Jews, the secret of leap years to know the paths of the constellations and to sanctify the new moon. The science of nature which includes the science of medicine in general is very important for distinguishing the blood of the Niddah whether it is pure or impure and how much more is it necessary when one strikes his fellow man in order to ascertain whether the blow was mortal, and if he died whether he died because of it, and for what disease one may desecrate the Sabbath. Regarding botany, how great is the power of the Sages in connection with kilayim [mixed crops]! Here too we may mention zoology, to know which animals may be hybridized; and chemistry, which is important in connection with the metals used in the tabernacle, etc.
—end quote--

Despite this, it is not necessary for every individual, or even for every member of the Sanhedrin, to personally study math, geometry, algebra, physics, optics, astronomy, medicine, botany, zoology and chemistry.  It is not necessary for all these subjects to be part of the standard yeshiva high school curriculum.  It is only necessary that there be in the world mathematicians, zoologists, chemists, doctors, astronomers and so on.  It is not even necessary that they be Jewish.  It is only necessary that their expertise be accessible when needed.  It is not uncommon that poskim confer with physicians, for example, when they need certain medical information in order to posken shailos in specific situations.  The poskim don’t first have to go to medical school. 
Yes, all the sciences are necessary for Torah.  It is necessary that they exist in the world.  It is not necessary that any given yeshiva student take away time from learning Torah in order to pursue other studies.
I would add that we live in an amazing age where there are female physicists, physicians, astronomers, zoologists and botanists.  How fortunate this is, since women do not have the same obligation to learn Torah day and night that men have!  There is less need than ever for men to take time away from Torah study in order to pursue other studies.
If Gemara is the main course while other studies ("tekufos vegimatrios") are just "parperaos lachochma," I say let the gentlemen eat meat and potatoes, while the ladies enjoy dessert.
--Toby Katz
t613k at aol.com
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