[Avodah] Besamim and Havdala

Akiva Miller akivagmiller at gmail.com
Thu Feb 22 04:47:11 PST 2018

R' Zev Sero wrote:
> If the person lighting the candle has davened maariv and
> said Ata Chonantanu, there's nothing suboptimal.

Thank you. Many years ago I learned Rama 299:10, which distinguishes
between a "melacha gemura" and other melachos, but I had mis-learned
it. (I had thought Rama was advising us to avoid all melacha prior to
Havdala Al Hakos, but actually he's advising against a shita which
would allow minor melachos even prior to Ata Chonantanu.)

Thanks to this thread, I was forced to relearn it, and I think I have
it straight now.

Akiva Miler

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