[Avodah] minhag shtus

Eli Turkel via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Sat Dec 3 23:39:41 PST 2016

Another example of a controversial custom came up in our shul this past
Some of have brought down that the body of a tzaddik doent's have tumah and
so a cohen
can go to the grave of a tzaddik.
One sefer brings a story that he went 27 years ago on Ypm Kippur to daven
at the grave pf Rashbi in Meron and saw that they had birkhat cohanim!!
when he complained that said it was an old custom. He then wrote a teshuva
condemning the practice. R Asher Weiss, ROY, RSZA and others have condemned
the practice.

A cohen friend of mine was really in Tzfat and went to visit Meron. The
local rabbi in Tzfat told him that the local practice today is still that
cohanim go to visit the grave of Rashbi and that  it is OK despite the
objections of many poskim.

Eli Turkel
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