[Avodah] minhag shtus
Harry Maryles via Avodah
avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Dec 1 08:20:06 PST 2016
It is not so Pashut that those who do not eat in the Sukkah on Shemini
Atzeres (outside of Israel) are in violation of Halacha.
I'm not sure if anyone brought this up so I'll mention it. The Aruch
HaShulchan (OC 668:4) deals with this issue and offers a marvelous Limud
Zechus for those who don't in very cold climates.
The Gemarah (Sukkah 47a) paskin that because of two issues of Sefeika
D'Yoma and Bal Tosif conflict -- Mesiv Yasvinan Bruchi Lo Mevrachinan. We
sit but do not make the Bracha of Leishev BaSukkah. (I believe there are
other Girsos quoted by some Rishonim that do not come to this conclusion.
The Gemarah there explains that the reason we get away with it as not
being Bal Tosif is because eating outdoors at that time of year in those
climates was pleasant and a common occurrence. (Which is why we don't
take the Daled Minim on Shemini Atzeres based on Sefeka D'Yoma even
without a Bracha since that would be Bal Tosif)
In very cold climates like ours, that rationale of 'eating meals outside
being normal' doesn't work. So eating in a Sukkah will most definitely
be Bal Tosif, hence we shouldn't do it in our climates. Except for maybe
Miami Beach. :)
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