[Avodah] elu v-elu

Micha Berger via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Wed Apr 22 10:53:11 PDT 2015

On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 08:09:18AM -0400, Zev Sero via Avodah wrote:
: On 04/22/2015 04:40 AM, Eli Turkel via Avodah wrote:
: >2) pluralism - there are many truths and one can't decide
: >R Michael Avraham points out that pluraism is
:> self-contradictory. According to that viewpoint one legitimate viewpoint
:> is monism !

: Not true.  There are many truths, but not an infinite number.  Or, as my
: father says, there are 70 panim latorah, but there are also 70 achor.

I think RMA is referring to a paradox I've mentioned here once.

While in principle, it's possible for a halachic pluralist to not include
any halachic monist positions in his spectrum of eilu va'eilu, I do not
know of a halachic pluralist who rules out the Rambam.

Or a less absolute case of the same paradox: MO Jews will turn to chareidi
gedolim for pesaqim despite those gedoim not believing that MO is within
eilu va'eilu. So it would seem that to the MO Jew asking the she'eilah,
the variant of chareidism that says MO is not within eilu va'eilu, is
(in the MO Jew's opinion) itself within EvE!

: Strict monism, which rejects the gemara's statement that "eilu va'eilu DACh",
: is by definition wrong.

Or, understand it in terms of following HQBH's word, as opposed to being
right. As per the Rambam or RMF, for example.

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger             Today is the 18th day, which is
micha at aishdas.org        2 weeks and 4 days in/toward the omer.
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