[Avodah] elu v-elu

Eli Turkel via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Apr 23 05:07:10 PDT 2015

>> R Michael Avraham points out that pluraism is self-contradictory.
>> According to that viewpoint one legitimate viewpoint is monism !

> Strict monism, which rejects the gemara's statement that "eilu va'eilu
> DACh", is by definition wrong.

Monism doesn't reject the gemara just interprets it different

That was the shiur

>> Question: Can you offer someone food that you think is kosher but he
>> doesn't accept the kashrut
>> Answer:
>> Monism - no problem as you are right and he is wrong
>> Pluralism - assur since his opinion is acceptable

> It depends whether his concern is legitimate.  If there is a legitimate
> opinion or minhag that forbids or refrains from whatever it is, or if he
> has a legitimate private chumra, then there is no question that it is assur
> to be machshil him.

No  question is your  opinion a true  monist
Would argue that there are no other  legitimate opinions hence  the  other
is wrong and you are not machshil him

[Email #2, also in reply to this latter quote. -micha]

You are not being machshil by offering food that he won't eat because of
his minhag or chumrot you are mikayem shalach Manot even if he doesn't
accept the kashrut

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