[Avodah] elu v-elu

Zev Sero via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Wed Apr 22 05:09:18 PDT 2015

On 04/22/2015 04:40 AM, Eli Turkel via Avodah wrote:
> 2) pluralism - there are many truths and one can't decide

> R Michael Avraham points out that pluraism is self-contradictory. According to that viewpoint one legitimate viewpoint is monism !

Not true.  There are many truths, but not an infinite number.  Or, as my
father says, there are 70 panim latorah, but there are also 70 achor.
Strict monism, which rejects the gemara's statement that "eilu va'eilu DACh",
is by definition wrong.

> Question: Can you offer someone food that you think is kosher but he
> doesn't accept the kashrut
> Answer:
> Monism - no problem as you are right and he is wrong
> Pluralism - assur since his opinion is acceptable

It depends whether his concern is legitimate.  If there is a legitimate
opinion or minhag that forbids or refrains from whatever it is, or if he
has a legitimate private chumra, then there is no question that it is assur
to be machshil him.  But if he is acting out of pure amhoratzus, then one
needn't pander to it.

Zev Sero               I have a right to stand on my own defence, if you
zev at sero.name          intend to commit felony...if a robber meets me in
                        the street and commands me to surrender my purse,
                        I have a right to kill him without asking questions
                                               -- John Adams

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