[Avodah] Tachanun During Nissan

Kenneth Miller via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Fri Apr 17 14:10:04 PDT 2015

R' Yitchok Levine reposted:

> The Maharil writes, to explain this apparent discrepancy between
> the Talmud and the words of the Tur,  that they died on all of the
> days between Pesach and Shavuos except on the days that we do not
> say Tachanun. These days are: 7 days of Pesach, 2 days of Rosh
> Chodesh Iyar, Rosh Chodesh Sivan, the 7 Shabbasos in sefira; 17
> days in all.
> Therefore they only died on 32 of the 49 days... ...

There's an error somewhere in that chain of quotes, namely Shabbos Chol Hamoed Pesach. The calculation should say "6 days of Pesach", or it should say "the 6 Shabbasos in sefira", but you can't have 7 in both of those.

Therefore, there are not "17 days in all", but only 16, leaving 33 days on which they died. (And this presumes that none of the 3 Rosh Chodesh days was Shabbos.)

In any case, I am very curious how the commemoration of this event ended up as 33 *somewhat* consecutive days, including Shabbos. If the talmidim really died only on the days cited, our procedure sounds like cheating, at least sort of. Granted that a commemoration does NOT have to follow all the details of the event being remembered, but this pushes the envelope on that, in my opinion.

Akiva Miller
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