[Avodah] Mechallel Shabbos to destroy a non-kosher phone?

Marty Bluke marty.bluke at gmail.com
Mon Jul 2 01:16:07 PDT 2012

Continuing the discussion from Areivim. The Toldos Avraham Yitzchak Rebbe
made a series of statements against non-kosher phones. One of the things
that he is reported to have said was that if they find a non-kosher phone
on Shabbos they can be mechallel shabbos to destroy it. He also said that
the destroyers would not have to pay for the destroyed phone.

Interestingly enough R' Daniel Eidensohn posted yesterday (
the following from R' Sternbuch about a child damaging his parents

Question: A baal teshuva, when visiting his parents who have a television,
damages it in order that the family members will not watch it. Is it
permitted for him to damage so?

He has a rather lengthy answer, his conclusion is the following:

"... I feel that every such action requires a consultation with a rav. We
see clearly in the above gemora, that the pious person indicated that he
should have been more patient and not have been so hasty to rip the
garment. Also we see that Yaakov did not approve of this theft which Rachel
kept concealed from him and in fact he cursed the person who stole the
idols - and she died from the curse. (We see that sometimes a pious act
causes much more spiritual harm then if no action were taken. And that
instead of glorifying G-d - the reverse happens as is known from many
incidents.). It could also be that in our case it is not the appropriate
time to stop them from watching television and an act that is premature can
cause much harm. Thus even if the act itself is permitted it might be at
the wrong time. Therefore the act can not be done in isolation of context
and it is necessary to get permission with a wise person as to what is
appropriate and to follow his words. It is also a good idea to speak with
the parents and to try to explain to them that television causes much harm.
And so even if they enjoy it for the moment - it will eventually cause
severe harm to the entire family. In fact there is nothing comparable to
its harmfulness. In conclusion, concerning damaging or destroying the
television, even if he is willing to pay for it, it is best if he asks a
posek before he does anything."
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