[Avodah] Drops of wine

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Wed Jun 27 05:06:26 PDT 2012

On 27/06/2012 7:56 AM, Micha Berger wrote:
> A third question: We only have one other, and better sourced, proposal:
> "Etzba Elokim hi". But Yekkes don't use an etzba, and even East Europeans
> allow istenisim to spill from the cup. What's the to'eles?

I've already corrected you on this one.  *Nobody* says the reason for
spilling is Etzba Elokim.  That is given as a reason for using the
etzba to *do* the spilling.   The usual reason given for spilling in
the first place is to get rid of the makko.  Al pi kabalah it's about
the responsible use of wine: using intelligence to isolate and remove
the anger that's inherent in alcohol, and keep the beneficial aspect
(at least that's my modern translation of the reason given in the Alter
Rebbe's siddur).

On 27/06/2012 7:56 AM, Micha Berger wrote:
> I made the same argument by pointing out that if such compassion were
> unJewish, so would giving the parallel explanation for Chatzi Hallel on
> the last day of Pesach. And yet/that/  has a solid pedigree.

The Chavos Yair neatly disposes of this argument.

Zev Sero
zev at sero.name

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