[Avodah] two fictional sects

David Riceman driceman at optimum.net
Tue Apr 3 12:56:44 PDT 2012


<<I don't think this holds if the individual moves to a place that has 
no minhag. See Pesachim 50a-51a.>>

Could we be more precise about which sugya?

<<(Yes, Bavli. Although there are parallel sugyos in the Y-mi.) This is 
why we in the real US, where meqomos have no minhagim, we ARE bound to 
minhag avos.>>

Even the sugya of Benei Bayshan is talking about the inhabitants of a 
town, not the children of a parent.

<< You don't say where their history diverges from the real one.>>

Late 1800s, founded by Messianic revisionists from a fictional town in 
Czarist Russia (more detail unspecified).  Would you claim that the town 
was founded based on a minhag taus? What would the current inhabitants 
do then? After all, the descendants have no connection to the European 
town or its minhagim.  Where does their obligation come from? Why should 
they adopt someone's strange minhagim?

David Riceman

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