[Avodah] tzitz eliezeer.....

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Wed Dec 14 14:41:01 PST 2011

On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 05:06:20PM -0500, hankman wrote:
: RMB wrote:
:> The mitzvah of chinukh could itself be the rabbinic obligation the TE
:> is speaking of.

: There would seem to be a slight problem in the logic. The only
: reason we have to follow the chiyuvim deRabbanan is because there is a
: mitsvoh d'Aureisa that commands us to follow the Rabbinic mitsvot and
: takanot. But the ketanim are not mechuyav in any mitzvot d'Aureisa...

See Megillah 2:4. The tana qama says anyone can read megillah for the
tzibur, except for cheireish, shoteh veqatan. R' Yehudah says that a
qatan may read, because his derabbanan of chinukh is at the same level
as their derabbanan to read megillah.

Tosafos say that the tana qama disagrees because his chiyuv is a
derabanan on a derabanan, chinukh atop megillah, and therefore is lesser
than theirs.

The Ramban says that the tana qama holds that a qatan can't read for
the tzibbur because the chiyuv derabbanan of chinukh is on the father
to teach, not the child to learn.

It would seem your logic is that of the tana qama according to the Ramban,
and that Rebbe as well as the tana qama according to Tosafos, disagree.

Well, R' Elchanan Wasserman asks your question in Qoveitz Divrei Sofrim,
but using it as proof of his shitah that our rabbis have the ability
to intuit Hashem's Will, and since doing what He wants is mandatory
even without a tzivui, dinim derabbanan aren't actually tied to any
particular deOraisa.

Lo sasur is thus about pesaq, not new taqanos and gezeiros.

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger             A person must be very patient
micha at aishdas.org        even with himself.
http://www.aishdas.org         - attributed to R' Nachman of Breslov
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