[Avodah] The Pursuit of Truth: Thoughts on Parashat Lekh Lekha, November 5, 2011

Moshe Y. Gluck mgluck at gmail.com
Tue Nov 1 17:59:01 PDT 2011

R' YL:
By Rabbi Marc D. Angel 

Some years ago, I had a conversation with a Hassidic Jew who assured me that
his Rebbe never committed any sins. He stated with certainty that his Rebbe
was endowed with a grand and holy soul, far superior to the soul of any
other people.

When I pointed out to him that even Moses committed sins, he flatly denied
that this was so. I reminded him that the Torah itself reports Moses's
shortcomings. He said: You do not understand the Torah! It is impossible
that Moses could have done anything wrong. He was perfect in every way.

The conversation came to an end, with both of us unhappy with the result. He
felt I did not demonstrate enough faith in the perfection of saintly
personalities, and I felt he was guilty of distorting the Torah's words and
distorting the reality of the human condition. <SNIP>

(With the disclaimer that nothing is a direct quote, and it's coming from my
memory:) A friend just told me a story of someone he knew who was not overly
bothered by social graces. This fellow asked the Skverer Rebbe what the
difference between the two of them were. "You're a person, and I'm a
person!" The Rebbe agreed with him, but said that the difference is that
every move he makes is scrutinized, reported on, and followed. So he has to
be perfect!

It was a good answer to a good question, I think!


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