[Avodah] Parshas Mikeitz: Rav Shamshon Rephael Hirsch - King of Mitzrayim and No Letter Home?

Prof. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Fri Dec 23 06:51:10 PST 2011

 From http://bit.ly/tBR3GH

Yosef was the favorite son of Yaakov, who had spent 20 years mourning 
Yosef's disappearance. Could Yosef HaTzaddik not have figured out a 
way to get a message to his dear father Yaakov that he was alive and 
well? Furthermore when the Shevatim stood before Yosef in Mitzrayim, 
should he not have jumped on the opportunity to put the misery and 
mystery behind all of them already?

Some say that Yosef needed to see his dreams played out, as they were 
nevuah. However Rav Shamshon Rephael Hirsch dismisses that notion as 
that is Hashem's job and Yosef surely understood that his job was to 
do the right thing and leave the Nevuah to Hashem while was occupied 
mending the torn hearts.

Rav Hirsch answers that Yosef wanted to end the split in the family 
caused by the Shevatim's misinterpretation of his ambitions. The 
Shevatim were afraid of Yosef's ambitions from the day he told them 
of his dreams. However Yosef's intention was never to rule over them, 
only to play his decreed role in Am Yisroel according to the Ratzon 
Hashem with complete modesty, love, and respect for his brothers.

Had Yosef revealed himself as the King of Mitzrayim before the 
Shevatim felt remorse and before he proved his modesty and his 
intentions not to harm them, he would have set the clock back twenty 
years with nothing changed, other than he proving he was indeed 
ambitious and superior just as the brothers feared. This would have 
given Yaakov no comfort even with the additional piece of information 
that Yosef was alive.

Only through the slow painful process conducted by Yosef, with 
incredible wisdom and modesty, was he able to achieve the right 
atmosphere to bring his brothers close to him and reunite the family 
that was meant to build Klal Yisroel as one nation united.

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