[Avodah] Baruch Mordochai (was re:sobering thoughts for Purim)

Elazar M. Teitz remt at juno.com
Thu Mar 24 15:11:58 PDT 2011

avodah at lists.aishdas.org
     R. Micha Berger wrote:      <I mean "Mordochai", with a chataf-qamatz under the dalet, transliterated
with an "o" because the chataf-qamatz appears to be related more to the
qamatz qatan.>       I claim no expertise in dikduk, but it is my understanding that there is no such thing as a chataf other than under a guttural; that the chataf-kamatz in words such as "hal'lu," "bar'chu," ush'ka," et al., are actually no more than an indication of a sh'va na, written that way since those who did so pronounced every sh'va na as though it was a chataf (see Bach, siman 582); and that the chataf kamatz under non-gutturals is the sign of a kamatz katan in a setting other than its normal one of a closed, unaccented syllable, as in e.g. "tzipporim" or the Aramaic "kodam" (as in kaddish shaleim), where the syllable is an open one.       If this is correct, then those who have a chataf-kamatz under the dalet in Mord'chai should read it as a full kamatz katan, not as a chataf kamatz. EMT
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