[Avodah] Terumot U'Ma'aserot

Shoshana L. Boublil toramada at bezeqint.net
Thu Mar 24 14:16:29 PDT 2011

Following a discussion a while ago about Hafrashat Terumot U'Ma'asserot, I
have found the following websites that give "for dummies" instructions and
explanations on what to do.

The reason I have set out to discover this data is b/c I have started to
raise my own herbs on my windowsills.  I found this Purim, as I prepared
salads for Mishloa'ch Manot using herbs I had grown myself (after following
the instructions for Hafrashat Terumot U'Maasserot), that it added a special
value to the mitzvah.

The following gives step-by-step instructions:


Also visit Mochon HaTorah VeHa'aretz website for further details on Ma'asser
Sheni/Ani etc.

Shoshana L. Boublil

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