[Avodah] Rav Vosner: Standing Up For The Wife Of A Talmid Chochom

Prof. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Wed Mar 23 05:37:32 PDT 2011

 From http://revach.net/article.php?id=4169

There is a mitzva to stand up for a Talmid Chochom.  Chazal tell us 
that Eishes Chaver KiChaver, the wife of a talmid chochom is like a 
talmid chochom.  Is there an obligation to stand up when she comes into a room?

Rav Vosner (Shevet HaLevi 10:13:7) says that his question is brought 
down by many acharonim.  He boils it down to three 
shittos.  According to one there is a Mitzvas Aseh to stand up for 
her Min HaTorah and it is Kavod HaTorah.  According to another it is 
a Mitzva MiDiRabbanan.  A third opinion is that it is not a Mitzva 
but a Midas Chasiddus to stand up.  The Chida brings that the Arizal 
said one should not stand up for the wife of a Talmid Chochom.

If her husband dies, Tosfos seems to say that there is no longer a 
Mitzva.  The Taz brings from the Maharam Mintz that there still is a 
mitzva to stand for her unless she marries an Am HaAretz.
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