[Avodah] Rav Moshe Feinstein - How Do You Dress For Davening?

Prof. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Wed Mar 23 05:40:31 PDT 2011

 From http://revach.net/article.php?id=3610

Parshas Tzav: Rav Moshe Feinstein - How Do You Dress For Davening?

The Torah tells us that before taking the ashes outside the Machaneh, 
the Kohen would change his clothing (Tzav 6:4).  Rashi says that he 
would take off the clothing he wore for the avodah in the Bais 
HaMikdash, in order not to sully them.  "This is not a chiyuv," says 
Rashi, "it is a Din of Derech Eretz. The clothing that a servant 
wears while cooking should not be used when serving the king."

Rav Moshe Feinstein says that we learn from here that even Halachos 
Derech Eretz are real Halachos.  An example is by davening where we 
need to wear respectable clothing. Rav Moshe says that if you do not 
change your clothing to something respectable when possible, it is as 
if "chas v'shalom" you don't know that you are standing before the King.

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