[Avodah] Aveinu Malkenu at Mincha on Taanis Esther
Prof. Levine
llevine at stevens.edu
Fri Mar 18 05:29:19 PDT 2011
Yesterday I learned that Minhag Frankfurt says Aveinu Malkenu only
during Aseres Yemei Teshuva. This is the original Ashkenaz minhag.
The shul where I davened mincha yesterday did say Aveinu Malkenu at
Mincha. However, I did not. I did not make it obvious. I stood, held
my siddur but did not say Aveinu Malkenu.
Now I know that there are those who will say, "But what about
following minhag ha Makom?" So let me share a story that I consider
to be related to this issue.
Years ago we spent summers in a bungalow colony in Monroe. Actually,
there were 3 bungalow colonies that were near to each other. The one
I was at had an Ashkenaz minyan (minhag Frankfurt, no less :-) ) on
Shabbos and Sundays. The other two colonies were chassidish and
davened Nusach Sefard. During the week only one colony had a minyan
for mincha/maariv, and the mincha minyan did not say tachanun. There
was someone in the colony that I was at who was a rebbe in the RSRH
Mesivtha who was disturbed by the fact that the mincha minyan did not
say tachanun, so he asked Rav Shimon Schwab, ZT"L, what he should
do. Rav Schwab told him forcefully, "When it comes time to say
tachanun give a loud clap on the table and say tachanun loudly!" He
also had some strong words for any rabbi who heads a shul that does
not say tachanun at mincha, which I will not repeat.
Note that Rav Schwab did not tell this person that it was minhag ha
Makom or that he should simply say tachanun quietly.
Bottom line, this fellow never did what Rav Schwab suggested, because
he was concerned at what happen if he did! :-) He simply said
tachanun quietly and unobtrusively. YL
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