[Avodah] More Examples of "Minhagim" That Lead to Kulos

Prof. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Thu Mar 17 06:22:47 PDT 2011

There is a Shteibel near me that has the following "minhagim."  (Why 
I put quotes around this word will be apparent from what I write below.)

1.  They do not say tachanun ever at Mincha.

2.  They  do not say tachanun on the 11th, 12th, and 13th of 
Adar.  The reason given for this "minhag" is that the gemara says 
that one can read the Megillah on these days under certain 
circumstances.  There are some who also want to skip tachanun on the 
16th and 17th because the gemara asks about reading the Megillah on 
these days.  However, these people are usually overruled, but not always.

3.  The do not say tachanun during the week of Hod during Sefira.

4. If someone is going to a bris "in the neighborhood,"  they skip 
tachanun.  Keep in mind that the bris is not in this Shteibel and the 
person going to it need not be the sandek.

5.  They say Aveinu Malkenu only during Aseres Yemei Teshuva.

All of this means that this morning they said selichos without 
tachanun and without Aveinu Malkenu.

I am sure that if I continue to observe what goes on in this 
Shteibel, I will find other "minhagim" that lead to kulas.

Yitzchok Levine 

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