[Avodah] chezi kaddish before mussaf

Ben Waxman ben1456 at zahav.net.il
Thu Mar 10 11:17:04 PST 2011

In many shuls on Shabbat morning the Rav gives a talk after the sefer Torah has been put back in the ahron. After the talk the shaliach tzibbur says chezi kaddish and then mussaf. This order makes sense especially if you look at chezi kaddish as Rav YBS saw it, as the vehicle which joins individuals into a minyan. 

Yet on Rosh Chodesh, we say Ashrei and U'ba L'zion, the STZ says kaddish, everyone takes off their teffilin and then some people start and some wait for the STZ. Why doesn't the STZ just wait to say chezi kaddish as we do on Shabbat?

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