[Avodah] Minchas Elazar & Rav Moshe Feinstein - Hearing Megilas Esther Through A Microphone

Prof. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Thu Mar 10 06:39:00 PST 2011

 From http://revach.net/article.php?id=5003

Please note that I am simply quoting what this web site says,  The 
English is not mine!  YL

Most poskim hold that by hearing the Megila through an electronic 
device like microphone, telephone, or hearing aid one is not Yotzei 
Krias Megila. The reason is you are not hearing the voice of the Baal 
Korei but rather sounds created by a machine mimicking the sounds of 
the Baal Korei.

The Minchas Elazar held that you are Yotzei this way. He reason that 
even when you hear it directly from the Baal Korei you are not 
hearing his words but waves flying through the air, and it there is 
even a slight delay from when the words are spoken until you hear 
them. The only difference with a microphone is that the machine takes 
these waves and amplifies it. Rav Moshe Feinstein (Igros Moshe OC 
2:108) gives credence to these arguments but says he is not clear 
exactly how it works.

The Tzitz Eliezer also says we should not scorn those who are Meikil 
B'Shaas Hadchak. Rav Vosner (Shevet HaLevi 5:84) says that he agrees 
with Rav Moshe that technically it may be mutar although they both 
agree that it should not be done even if the microphone will allow 
many more people to hear it together BiRov Am. Rav Vosner goes as far 
as to say that if you heard it through a microphone you must hear it 
again but without a bracha.

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